C.R.A. Conservación y Restauración de Arte offers specialised conservation and restoration services for artworks. Our methodology is based on a systematic historico-artistic, scientific and technological research process that draws on a thorough understanding of both the techniques involved and the causes and phenomena behind deterioration in different works of art in order to formulate the best intervention strategy. We make a detailed study of the state of conservation and the construction techniques, offering diagnostic analyses, preventative conservation, technical consultation – either in our workshop or on site – as well as intervention proposals and conservation and restoration actions.
At the C.R.A. Conservación y Restauración de Arte workshop, we perform restoration interventions on canvas paintings, panel paintings, copper paintings, polychromed sculptures and decorative arts. Outside our facilities, we have done restoration interventions on large format canvas paintings, mural paintings and altarpieces.
At C.R.A. Conservación y Restauración de Arte each work is subjected to detailed photographic documentation of the initial state, the restoration process and the final state. We use special photographic techniques such as macro and microphotography, raking light, transmitted light, and ultraviolet fluorescence photography.
A restoration project can be a fundamental part of the process of planning an intervention. It not only provides exhaustive information about every aspect of the artwork, but also constitutes an essential part of the documentation necessary to obtain financing. The team at C.R.A. Conservación y Restauración de Arte, in collaboration with art historians, architects, outside laboratories and other specialists, offers preliminary and final projects for the restoration of mural paintings, altarpieces, moveable goods, canvas and panel paintings and polychromed sculpture on request.
The deterioration of works of art is related to their component materials and environmental factors such as relative humidity, temperature, ventilation, contaminants and light quality and intensity. The ideal values for paintings are 55 % HR at a temperature 18-20 °C and maximum light levels of 200 lux for paintings and polychrome and 50 lux for fabric and paper. These values can vary significantly depending on whether the objects are moveable or immovable, the characteristics inherent to each object and the conditions of the site where they are being housed.