Restoration of Aparición de la Virgen a San Jacinto, oil on canvas, Pedro de Raxis. Granada Museum of Fine Arts, 1997/1998.
Restoration of San Juan de Capistrano y San Bernardino de Siena, Santa Clara de Asís y San Luis Obispo de Tolosa and San Pedro Bautista, promártir de Japón, Alonso Cano.Granada Museum of Fine Arts, 2001
Restoration of Cristo Eucarístico, panel painting, Alonso Cano, Granada Museum of Fine Arts, 2001-2002.
Intervention, restoration and conservation of Políptico de la Ermita de los Mártires, Juan Ramírez, 16th c. Granada Museum of Fine Arts, 2003.
Restoration of Descendimiento del Limbo, panel painting, Pedro Machuca, 16th c. Royal Chapel of Granada, 2003-2004.
Restoration of Encuentro de Cristo con los discípulos de Emaús,panel painting, Jacobo Florentino, 16th c. Royal Chapel of Granada, 2003-2004.
Restoration of Virgen con el Niño,panel painting, Anonymous (Flemish school), late 15th c. Gómez-Moreno Institute collection, Granada, 2004.
Restoration of Interior de una Capilla,oil on cardboard, Joaquín Sorolla. Gómez- Moreno Institute collection, Granada, 2004.
Restoration and conservation of La Anunciación,panel painting, Anonymous, 16th c. Granada Charterhouse, 2005.
Analysis, restoration and conservation of Llanto sobre Cristo muerto,panel painting, Hugo van der Goes, 15th c. Gómez-Moreno Institute collection, Granada, 2005
Conservación y restauración de diecisiete obras de pintura sobre lienzo, de José Guerrero para la Exposición Presence of Black 1950-1966. Excma. Diputación de Granada, 2014.
Realización del estudio, proceso de restauración y conservación de Oración en el Huerto de los Olivos, pintura sobre tabla, obra de Sandro Botticelli, S. XV. conservada en la Capilla Real de Granada, 2015.
Restoration and conservation of El Juicio Final,panel painting, Luis de Vargas, 16th c. Gómez-Moreno Institute collection, Granada, 2005.
Restoration and conservation of El Silencio,panel painting, Anonymous (Italian school), 16th c. Gómez-Moreno Institute collection, Granada, 2005.
Analysis and restoration of Santo Domingo in Soriano,oil on canvas, Alonso Cano, 17th c. Gómez-Moreno Institute collection, Granada. Sponsored by the Caja Rural of Granada Cultural and Social Fund, 2006.
Restoration and conservation of San Fernando Rey, oil on canvas, Ignacio de Ries, 17th c. Gómez-Moreno Institute collection, Granada, 2006.
Restoration of Patio de los Arrayanes,oil on canvas, José María Rodríguez-Acosta, 1903. Personal collection. Sponsored by the Regional Government of Andalusia Ministry of Public Works and Transport, 2006.
Restoration of Virgen de la Soledad, oil on canvas, Anonymous (Granada school), 17th c. Royal Chapel of Granada, 2006-2007.
Analysis and restoration of Alegoría de la Redención, oil on canvas, Pedro Atanasio Bocanegra, 17th c. Royal Chapel of Granada. Sponsored by the Regional Government of Andalusia Ministry of Culture for the exhibition Andalucía Barroca [Barroque Andalusia], October-December 2007.
Analysis and restoration of Virgen con el Niño, oil on canvas, Giovanni Battista Salvi “Il Sassoferrato”, 17th c. Granada Cathedral Museum. Sponsored by the Regional Government of Andalusia Ministry of Culture for the exhibition Andalucía Barroca [Barroque Andalusia], October-December 2007.
Restoration of Pareja antigua, panel painting, Joaquín Sorolla. Gómez-Moreno Institute collection, Granada, 2008.
Analysis, restoration and conservation of Cristo en la Cruz,conservation of Cristo en la Cruz, panel painting, Francisco Pacheco, 1614. Gómez-Moreno Institute collection, Granada. Sponsored by the National Gallery, London for the exhibition The Sacred Made Real: Spanish Painting and Sculpture 1600-1700, 2008.
Restoration of La Santa Parentela, polychromed wooden sculptural group, Bernabé de Gaviria, 17th c. Royal Chapel of Granada, 2003-2004.
Restoration of La Dolorosa y Ecce Homo,polychromed wooden sculptures, José de Mora, 17th c. Royal Chapel of Granada, 2003-2004.
Restoration of San Juan de Capistranopolychromed wooden sculpture, Pedro de Mena, 17th c. Royal Chapel of Granada, 2004.
Restoration of La Creación de Eva y Exaltación de la Cruz, polychromed wooden reliefs, Baltasar de Arce and Francisco Sánchez, 16th c. Royal Chapel of Granada, 2004.
Restoration of Ecce Homo,polychromed terracotta, Gaspar Núñez Delgado, 16th c. Gómez-Moreno Institute collection, Granada, 2005.
Restoration and recovery of the original polychrome underlay of the sculptural group La Anunciacióncarved polychromed wood, 16th c. Church of Saint Mary of the Alhambra, Granada, 2007.
Analysis and restoration of Silla Eucarística o Portaviático,18th c. Royal Chapel of Granada. Sponsored by the Regional Government of Andalusia Ministry of Culture for the exhibition Andalucía Barroca [Barroque Andalusia], October-December 2007.
Restauración de las esculturas, Rey Fernando el Católico y Reina Isabel la Católica,madera tallada y policromada del S. XVI, obras de Felipe Bigarny conservadas en la Capilla Real de Granada, 2014/2015.
Restoration of San Diego de Alcalá,carved polychromed wood, Alonso Cano, 17th c. Gómez-Moreno Institute collection, Granada. Sponsored by the Regional Government of Andalusia Ministry of Culture for the exhibition Andalucía Barroca [Barroque Andalusia], October-December 2007.
Restoration of San Antonio de Padua con el Niño, carved polychromed wood, Alonso Cano, 17th c. Gómez-Moreno Institute collection, Granada. Sponsored by the Regional Government of Andalusia Ministry of Culture for the exhibition Andalucía Barroca [Barroque Andalusia], October-December 2007.
Restoration of San Juan Bautistacarved, gilded and polychromed wood, attributed to Isidro de Villoldo, 16th c. Gómez-Moreno Institute collection, Granada. Sponsored by the Caja Rural of Granada Cultural and Social Fund, 2008.
Restoration of Virgen entronizada con el Niño y Santa Ana,carved polychromed wood, 13th c. Gothic work from Leon, National Sculpture Museum, Valladolid, 2009.
Restoration of the sculptural group El calvario con la Virgen y San Juan,carved polychromed wood, attributed to Juan de Juni, 16th c. Personal collection, Madrid, 2010.
Restoration of Virgen Inmaculada,carved polychromed wood, Pedro de Mena, 17th c. Monastery of Saint Jerome, Granada, 2010.
Restoration of the interior of the dome and lantern of the Granada Charterhouse church, 2002.
Collaboration with the Andalusian Historical Heritage Institute on the preliminary project and analysis for the intervention on the leather paintings that decorate the three ceilings of the Hall of the Kings, Alhambra, 2002.
Restoration and conservation of interior walls, epigraphic frieze and heraldries, Royal Chapel of Granada,2002/2003.
Restoration and conservation of the mural paintings and gilded polychromed reliefs decorating the interior walls, chapels, vaults and dome inside the Basilica of our Lady of Sorrows, Granada, 2002/2004.
Conservation and cleaning of the main portal, Basilica of our Lady of Sorrows, Granada, 2003.
Restoration and conservation of original wall stucco, Citadel Bath, Alhambra, Granada, 2005.
Restoration and conservation of the mural paintings and decorative reliefs inside the Corpus Christi-Hospitalicos Church, Granada, 2010.
Restoration and conservation of the main altarpiece, Royal Chapel of Granada.Project product of an agreement between the archdiocese of Granada, the Andalusian Historical Heritage Institute of the Regional Government of Andalusia Ministry of Culture and the Caja de Madrid Cultural and Social Fund, 1998-2000.pdf
Restoration and conservation of the main altarpiece, Church of Otura, Granada, 2000.
Restoration and conservation of the main altarpiece, Basilica of our Lady of Sorrows, Granada2002/2004.
Restoration of the main altarpiece, Church of Saint Mary of the Alhambra, Granada.Project product of an agreement between the archdiocese of Granada and the Cajasol Cultural and Social Fund, 2007/2008.